What’s the best Tactical Rifle in Cold War Season 2? Every gun ranked & tier list

Andrew Highton
m16 cod cold war

We’ve taken CoD: Cold War’s precise Tactical Rifles and split them into different tiers and ordered them from worst to best in Season 2.

Tactical Rifles probably don’t get the love they’d deserve as most players opt for a meta AR or SMG that absolutely slays, fall back on a deadly shotgun, or even pop enemies at range with a Sniper Rifle. It’s often overlooked that Tactical Rifles can pretty much do all of this rolled up into one attractive package.

The controlled nature of a burst-rifle allows for greater accuracy and if you can adjust to its firing method, then it can operate as well as any gun in the game.

Also check Black Ops Cold War Season 2’s best Assault Rifles rankedbest SMGs ranked, best Shotguns ranked, and best Sniper Rifles ranked too!

cod cold war adler m16

CoD: Black Ops Cold War: weapon tier list

We’re going to take a moment to assign each of Cold War’s Tactical Rifles an official tier before we place them in order. There may be very few of them, but there doesn’t need to be lots.

Here is our official tier list of all of Black Ops Cold War’s Tactical Rifles in alphabetical order:

  • S-Tier: AUG, M16
  • A-Tier: Type 63
  • B-Tier: DMR-14
  • C-Tier: 

Just to explain the system, our S-Tier weapons are the top-of-the-line powerhouses, the A-Tier are great, the B-Tier weapons are just missing something, and C-Tier ones are not worth your time.

CoD: Black Ops Cold War best Tactical Rifles

4. DMR 14

cod cold war dmr

It might come as a surprise to some people to see the DMR ranked at the bottom of our list. The truth is that whilst it may have had its golden period as the meta weapon in Warzone Season 1, it’s never reached the same heights in Black Ops Cold War.

It has a pretty decent fire rate allowing you more control over how many rounds you want to get down range. Though this comes at the great expense of accuracy and can require three or more shots to take someone down.

3. Type 63

cod cold war type 63

Again, as a semi-auto, it just hinders the Type 63’s chances of cracking the top spot, but it’s a more than worthy Tactical Rifle to use.

Offering a more generous chance of landing two-shot kills, the Type 63 is a tad slower than the DMR. But this extra firepower makes it a veritable killer, and one that handles its recoil better than the bouncier nature of the DMR.

2. AUG

cod cold war aug rifle

Effectively, you can consider the AUG to be a gun you should absolutely use because it’s a monster. It absolutely shreds everything.

So why only number two? At the end of the day, only one gun can be considered the best, so we have to say that if you’re using the AUG for the first time, you’ll have to endure its awful default zoomed sight and slow ADS time. Of course, you can level it up fairly quickly and slap some attachments on within a few games.

1. M16

cod cold war m16

A bonafide CoD hall of famer that continues to haunt the dreams of many defeated enemies that dared to get in the way of its aim.

Black Ops Cold War’s version of the M16 is another winner as it displays its beautiful iron sights and can ping anyone at any distance with extreme accuracy and devastation. There’s no two ways about it, the M16 is the best Tactical Rifle in CoD: Cold War.

That completes our list. These are the best Tactical Rifles ranked in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Be sure to check out the best guns in Cold War and the best guns in Warzone too!

Do you disagree with any of our selections? Be sure to let us know on our CharlieINTEL Facebook Page and CharlieINTEL Twitter Page!

Image credits: Treyarch