Best Cold War Season 5 loadouts: Guns, classes, attachments & perks

Season 5 has made Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War feel like a full game packed with content, maps, and guns. To truly dominate in it, we’ve created the 10 best loadouts for you to try out with our choice of some of the best, and most fun, weapons, attachments, and perks.
One of the great aspects of Call of Duty multiplayer is that there is a whole host of different maps and modes to consider. Your trusty, go-to loadout might positively thrive in a smaller map like Nuketown but may lack the range for something of a bigger nature like Armada.
Treyarch’s latest CoD game has so many different avenues for you to explore and loadouts to try out, and we’ll walk you through the best ones.
Here are the top 10 weapon loadouts, attachments, and perks to use in Black Ops Cold War Season 5.
Top 10 loadouts in Black Ops Cold War Season 5
10. Diamatti

- Optic: Microflex LED
- Muzzle: SOCOM Eliminator
- Barrel: 7.2″ Task Force
- Magazine: Fast Mag
- Handle: Airborne Elastic Wrap
Even though we think the AMP63 is the better pistol use, it’s not as freely available for everyone to use, and the Diamatti is a lot more comment to use. Plus, you can easily rip players apart if you’re accurate enough.
It can mow its way through bursts of bullets and its extremely lightweight nature allows for amazing mobility across any map – especially bigger ones like Cartel. Concentrate your shots, and this very risk and reward weapon will pay off handsomely.
9. Streetsweeper

- Muzzle: Duckbill Choke
- Barrel: 14.6″ Ranger
- Body: SWAT 5mw Laser Sight
- Magazine: STANAG 18 RND Drum
- Stock: Wire Stock
Lots of people understand the raw killing potential of the incredible Streetsweeper Shotgun. It had an extended period of popularity in Warzone, and it’s still very viable in Cold War Season 5.
It gets its name because you can quite literally walk along and just squeeze the trigger to wipe out a squad in seconds without aiming. Naturally, it all comes down to its reload time, which is borderline horrific. Still, it’s a fun secondary to carry and can dominate in Hardcore.
8. FARA 83

- Optic: Axial Arms 3x
- Muzzle: Infantry Compensator
- Barrel: 13.5″ Task Force
- Underbarrel: Field Agent Foregrip
- Handle: Airborne Elastic Wrap
After a bit of time in obscurity and other guns grabbing the headlines, players are once again crawling back to the FARA 83 Assault Rifle. It’s benefited from a decent buff in Cold War Season 5, and you should consider it once more.
It’s a faster-than-normal firing AR, it doesn’t kick too hard, and it’s quite easy to unlock. The FARA 83 is a solid choice to use.
7. KSP 45

- Optic: Visiontech 2x
- Muzzle: Muzzle Brake .45 APC
- Barrel: 10.2″ Rifled
- Underbarrel: Field Agent Foregrip
- Handle: Serpent Wrap
A weapon that until Season 2 was pretty much dismissed by all of the Call of Duty community and shunned in Black Ops Cold War. After a much-needed upgrade, the KSP 45 is one of the game’s better weapons now.
A great feature of the KSP 45 is that it’s extremely versatile and can be customized to fit a multitude of different setups and tactics.
6. XM4

- Optic: Microflex LED
- Muzzle: Suppressor
- Barrel: 13.7″ Takedown
- Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip
- Handle: Airborne Elastic Wrap
Even though it is one of the best guns in all of Black Ops Cold War, it takes this spot because of its new secret attachment that has boosted its reload speed.
If you’re adept with recoil and are presumably comfortable with an efficient Assault Rifle in your hands, then a quick reloading XM4 is a great asset in the field. Many people opt for the XM4, and that’s because it’s a reliable, repeatable beast.
5. Swiss K31

- Barrel: 24.9″ Tiger Team
- Body: Tiger Team Spotlight
- Stock: Raider Stock
- Magazine: 8 Rnd Mag
- Handle: Airborne Elastic Wrap
Added in Season 3 of Black Ops Cold War, some players have complained that the Swiss K31 is a hit-marker machine.
The reality is that if you equip the right loadout for the Swiss K31, then you have probably the best Sniper Rifle in the game. It’s exceptional for quickscoping, and it’s beautiful to use on most maps with long, relatively unobscured channels.
It ranks much higher in this list because, in the right hands, this loadout is simply lethal and can’t be countered. With reduced Sniper Flinch, to the annoyance of players, quickscoping is a real threat.
It’s another weapon suited to Warzone too – here’s our best Swiss K31 Warzone loadout.
4. AK-47

- Optic: Axial Arms 3x
- Muzzle: KGB Eliminator
- Underbarrel: Spetzsnaz Grip
- Magazine: 40 Rnd
- Handle: GRU Elastic Wrap
A couple of nifty changes has suddenly made the AK-47 a ridiculous melt-machine that can tag enemies at distance due to its obscene firepower.
If you find recoil easy to negate, then our AK-47 loadout really could make the Assault Rifle the best weapon for you to use. It’s so unbelievably powerful at mid-longer ranges that you can’t really be matched.
The Cold War variant is also very popular in Warzone too – here’s the best Cold War AK-47 loadout for Warzone.
3. LC10

- Optic: Diamondback Reflex
- Barrel: 13.2″ Rifled
- Muzzle: SOCOM Eliminator
- Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip
- Handle: Airborne Elastic Wrap
If an Olympic sprinter was a gun, it would be the LC10. This easy-to-use SMG is rapid in every way and simply slaps in every game mode.
It has recently been on the receiving end of a slight nerf which has impacted its performance slightly but make no mistake, the LC10 is practically untouchable. Make sure you have the LC10 unlocked and don’t sleep on this ridiculous SMG.
2. TEC-9

- Muzzle: Burst Fire Repeater
- Barrel: 7.3″ Reinforced Heavy
- Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip
- Ammunition: 30 Rnd
- Handle: Dropshot Wrap
Truth be told, the LC10 is still the king of SMGs in Cold War Season 5, but the TEC-9’s versatility makes it a brilliant weapon to try out and experiment with.
Did you know that the TEC-9 can be customized to become one of three different types of weapon? In its base form, it’s a semi-auto, but attachments can also make it either a burst fire gun or even its most powerful form – a fully automatic killing machine.
1. Krig 6

- Muzzle: Infantry Compensator
- Barrel: 19.7″ Ranger
- Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip
- Magazine: 40 Rnd
- Handle: Airborne Elastic Wrap
Saving the best till last, the Krig 6 has been pretty much unmoved as the king of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. The Assault Rifle easily stands on its own two feet without any attachments and single-handedly tears up lobbies.
But using our best Krig 6 loadout elevates its status to being an all-time Call of Duty great.
Best Perks for Black Ops Cold War

- Perk 1: Tactical Mask / Flak Jacket
- Perk 2: Gearhead / Assassin
- Perk 3: Ghost / Ninja
Every game of Black Ops Cold War deals with a high frequency of Proximity Mines, Gas Mines, Semtex, and Stun Grenades, so Tactical Mask and Flak Jacket are both essential perks.
You always need more points in a game of Cold War, and Assassin can turn a bad game into a good one as you kill someone on a 10+ killstreak and get lots of points for doing so. Gearhead also helps with the resupply of equipment, Gas Mines usually.
Ghost keeps you off the radar from Spy Planes and other sleuth-like scorestreaks, whereas Ninja lets you run around like a madman undetected.
Also, check out our list of the 10 best weapons in Black Ops Cold War and where we’ve ranked every map in the game too.
Before we start to speculate about Cold War Season 6, what’s your favorite loadout in Cold War Season 5? Be sure to let us know on our Charlie INTEL Facebook Page and Charlie INTEL Twitter Page!
Image Credit: Activision / Treyarch