Respawn bans hundreds of high-ranked Apex Legends players for cheating

Hamza Khalid
Apex Legends Season 8

Respawn Entertainment have issued a massive ban wave that has caught around 1,000 cheaters in Apex Legends, and this includes some of the highest-ranked players.

For several seasons, Apex Legends has been plagued by cheaters that ruin the game for other players. This is especially frustrating because they tend to become high-ranking players unfairly, and this has caught the developers’ attention.

Respawn have been cracking down on cheaters, and sweeping through the highest level of ranked games to get rid of them. This has resulted in some of the top-ranked players getting removed in the latest ban wave.

Apex Legends Season 8

On March 16, Respawn’s security lead Conor Ford, aka RSPN_Hideouts, revealed that he’d banned players who had been cheating in Ranked games and had reached the Apex Predator rank.

“700+ accounts used for cheating in ranked (Gold-Pred) have been permanently banned since last Thursday,” he said. “This does not, and will not, include any accounts that used an infinite heat shield exploit. Love you all.”

This was met by a grateful response from Apex fans who were glad that Respawn are taking the issue of cheaters seriously.

Some other fans asked him about who exactly will be affected by these bans, and he replied: “Only PC right now, console judgment is coming soon.”

He also addressed the problem of players abusing the Heat Shield exploit, and promised that “justice is coming” for the “hardcore abusers.”

Since is Apex is a free game, it’s almost impossible to eliminate every single cheater, but it’s reassuring to know that Respawn Entertainment are taking this issue seriously.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment