Huge Wingman & Spitfire changes arriving in Apex Legends Season 14

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends death ray wingman skin

Apex Legends Season 14 will be bringing some massive changes to ammo, altering the type of ammo you will be picking up for certain weapons.

Apex Legends Season 14 is almost upon us, and while players are excited for the new Legend Vantage and Kings Canyon map changes, leaks and rumors have been surrounding the community regarding balance changes.

Thankfully, we now have a better idea of these upcoming balance changes due to official word from Respawn during a recent press event. One of the most interesting changes coming to Apex Legends in Season 14 is regarding ammo changes.

In the press event, Respawn officially revealed that they were not happy with the state of the Wingman and Spitfire, announcing some pretty drastic changes that may take Apex Legends players some time to get used to.

apex legends wingman

Starting in Season 14, the Wingman will now take Sniper ammo instead of Heavy, which Respawn claim is a decision that was made in order to bring more intent to who is using the weapon.

The devs also felt as if it was too easy to run the Wingman in terms of ammo economy, so this change comes in contrast to that. This change also means that the Wingman now takes extended Sniper magazines rather than Heavy.

Another huge change is to the Spitfire, which starting in Season 14 will now be a Light weapon, taking Light ammo rather than Heavy. This is another pretty drastic change that will shock players, as both the Wingman and Spitfire have been Heavy weapons since the game was released.

This may also mean that we will be seeing some changes to the Spitfire, perhaps becoming more of a pea-shooter than a heavy-hitting LMG.

We’ll have to see how much these changes will impact the game come August 9, but for now, check out everything we know about the Level Cap increase in Apex Legends Season 14.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment