Crazy Apex Legends glitch gives every character superspeed

Hamza Khalid
Apex Legends Octane

A strange new speed glitch has been discovered that allows Apex Legends players to use superspeed with every character in the battle royale title.

Apex Legends has its fair share of strange glitches that have different effects on gameplay, such as making Heirloom Shards disappear or allowing players to teleport across the map with Replicators.

Now, a bizarre speed glitch has been found that works with every Legend in the game, letting players send their character lunging forward at superspeed and making them harder targets to hit.

apex legends wraith melee

Reddit user ‘RossBobSquirrel’ showcased this glitch in a clip featuring Wattson in the Apex Legends firing range. The character was able to lunge herself forward incredibly fast by doing a punching animation.

This isn’t the first time we’ve had a speed glitch in the game, as there was previously an infinite lunge exploit that could be used with a handful of Legends, but this one seems to work with every character.

Players triggered this glitch by opening their inventory and shifting their weapon attachments around while hanging from a ledge. This makes the weapon disappear and allows them to lunge themselves forward by throwing melee punches.

While this glitch can give players an advantage in combat, the Redditor commented a warning: “I would advise not doing this in a regular game, especially Ranked, as you will likely get banned.”

One user jokingly remarked that this superspeed glitch is a “new way to get banned that works with every Legend.” Hopefully, Respawn Entertainment will fix this glitch in a new update patch soon.

For more Apex Legends content, check out this Apex Legends leak that reveals the upcoming ‘Hawk’ character as well as Apex Legends fans begging Respawn to bring back classic hop-ups.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment