Apex Legends: Streamer claims Seer was over-buffed for Season 10 release

Seer is a dominant Recon Legend in Apex Legends Season 10, however, his kit may not have been that strong in the playtests, as streamer claims he was “omega-buffed” for the new season’s release.
Seer has been at the top of the pick rates for Apex Legends Season 10‘s launch, even two weeks after its release. This is mainly because his kit is extremely useful for teams, providing knowledge on nearby enemies, and also causing havoc with his Focus of Attention ability.
Like every upcoming season, Respawn Entertainment handpicks a variety of players to playtest the upcoming content, and it turns out some news has been leaked surrounding Seer’s playtest build.
Apex Legends Season 10 has been out for a while now, giving players enough time to get to grips with the new content. In general, it seems the community is all in agreement that Seer is extremely strong and will need a nerf in order to balance him with the rest of the Legends.

Popular Apex Legends streamer Mikkel ‘Mande‘ Hestbek claims he has heard from those who playtested Seer, and apparently, his kit was not as strong as it currently is.
This was revealed in a recent stream, where Mande had a few things to say about Seer, referencing someone who has spoken to a playtester for Season 10.
Although Mande doesn’t go into details on what Seer’s playtest build was actually like, he is convinced that his sources who participated in the playtest are being truthful: “Apparently, Seer didn’t do all that sh*t at all. He was completely fine in the playtests, like a good character, and then they apparently just omega-buffed him before they released him.”
At the time of the stream, Mande was playing with TSM’s Reps, a professional Apex Legends player who said he is “not surprised” at the news.
Apex Legends have previously stated that they prefer to release new content like weapons and Legends in a strong state, as this ultimately makes them fun to use.
Although it was delayed slightly, Seer will be receiving a nerf to his kit very soon, balancing the Legend from his current powerful state in order to bring him more in tune with the rest of the roster.
For more on Apex Legends, check out our article on the possible return of a fan-favorite LTM, Shadowfall in Season 10.
Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment