Apex Legends devs finally fixing frustrating stuttering issues

Stuttering issues can often make playing Apex Legends at a high frame rate feel much less fun, but Respawn Entertainment have confirmed that a fix for this problem is on its way.
One advantage to playing games on PC is that you get to enjoy them at a decently high frame rate. While that sounds fun, it also comes with its own set of problems, as Apex Legends fans have to deal with stuttering issues.
This is when the high frame rate causes the game to be choppy, ruining your accuracy. As a result, players often end up lowering the FPS. Now, Respawn have assured fans that this will soon be resolved.

Apex Legends fans were discussing the “microstutter bug” on Reddit, and this gained a response from Respawn’s Lead Software Engineer Samy ‘ricklesauceur’ Duc.
One player asked if there was any way to get past the game’s 300 FPS cap, and another user advised against trying this. The game engine has a bug in it which causes a microstutter when you reach 180 FPS.
The developer then confirmed that this issue “should be gone after [the] next patch.” This fix will allow players on higher-end rigs to enjoy smoother gameplay than before.

The devs have been focused on fixing multiple in-game issues ever since the Legacy update went live. There have also been upcoming changes teased for Evo Shields recently.
Once this patch arrives, PC gamers should be able to get past the 180 FPS mark without encountering stuttering issues. There’s currently no date given for when we should expect to see this update patch.
This fix seems to be exclusive to PC, and players experiencing stutter issues on console will have to wait for a wider patch.
Image credits: Respawn Entertainment