Simple Warzone 2 trick drastically boosts FPS in Season 3

Nathan Warby
Warzone 2 Operators with logo

Achieving the maximum frames-per-second is essential in Warzone 2 in order to make the game run as smoothly as possible on PC, and this easy trick will offer a huge FPS boost in Season 3.

Warzone 2 players are always looking for ways to gain an advantage over the competition, whether it’s running a meta loadout, tuning their weapon for better performance, or altering their audio settings to hear footsteps more clearly.

Those on PC have even more settings to play with in Warzone 2, as they desperately try to hit the highest FPS to make life easier in every fight.

Luckily, a Warzone 2 player has discovered a quick and easy trick to drastically improve your FPS in Season 3.

How to increase FPS in Warzone 2 Season 3

Reddit user ‘qwazimoda99’ claimed in a post on the Warzone 2 subreddit that changing your Game Voice Channel to “Friends Only” seems to boost the FPS that the game runs at.

This removes the popular proximity chat feature and means that you’ll only be able to hear your friends during a match. However, it has a major impact on how fast and responsive the gameplay feels.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to change your Game Voice Channel setting and unlock a higher FPS in Warzone 2:

  1. Head to the Warzone 2 main menu.
  2. Select the Settings tab in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Select Audio settings.
  4. Scroll down to ‘Game Voice Channel.’
  5. Click to bring up the drop-down menu.
  6. Choose ‘Freinds Only.’

It’s worth keeping in mind that this only appears to work when running Warzone 2 on Steam, and it doesn’t apply to players.

While this is a relatively minor tweak to the Warzone 2 audio settings, players have reported drastic changes when using the trick. Replying to the OP’s thread, one user claimed their “FPS increased from 130 to 170 just when switching the voice channel to friends only.”

It isn’t totally clear how or why altering this setting has such a major effect on the FPS, but some have speculated it could be due to the amount of work your PC has to do in the background when it comes to audio.

One player theorized: “All Lobby just throws you into a 150 person voice channel and unmutes anyone within a 15 meter range, so you’re still processing all the audio you’re not hearing.”

Either way, there’s no doubt that this setting offers a significant advantage to those willing to sacrifice proximity chat in Warzone 2. It remains to be seen if this is a bug that the devs will fix in a future update.

For more on Warzone 2, check out when Plunder is set to arrive, as well as the new Assault Rifle dominating matches after the Hemlock nerf.

Image credit: Activision

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About The Author

Nathan is a Senior Writer at CharlieIntel. He’s an expert in EA Sports FC, Call of Duty, and Overwatch, as well as superhero games, including Marvel’s Spider-Man. With a master's degree in Magazine Journalism from Nottingham Trent University, he worked as a Trainee Reporter for Derbyshire Live before moving into games media, with bylines at Dexerto, Cultured Vultures, and more. You can contact Nathan by email at [email protected].