Pokemon Masters tier list: Best sync pairs in August 2022

The 3v3 sync pair battles in Pokemon Masters EX make the game entertaining but also confusing for new players. If you’re baffled about choosing an ideal sync pair, here’s a Pokemon Masters tier list featuring the best sync pairs in August 2022.
Pokemon Masters EX is a unique game in the Pokemon franchise where trainers and their Pokemon play an equally important role in battles. There are different types of sync pairs – attacking, tech, and support.
Unlike Pokemon Go, Pokemon in Pokemon Masters EX only have one weakness. The goal is to come up with a balanced team of three sync pairs that can deal damage, defend, apply status effects, and heal the team.
To make things easier for you, we’ve made a Pokemon Masters tier list where you can find the sync pairs that are worth the time and effort.

Best sync pairs in Pokemon Masters
Our Pokemon Masters tier list will have several tiers with S being the best and E being the worst. In each tier, players will find the best sync pairs as well as their type.
S-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters
The S-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters require the players to put in the least amount of effort which makes them highly desirable. The abilities these Pokemon and trainers have are effective in battle and leveling them up should be your first priority.
Sync Pairs | Type |
Sygna Suit Blue & Mega Blastoise | Support |
Bianca Tech & Musharna | Tech |
May & Swampert | Tech |
Skyla & Swanna | Support |
Karen & Mega Houndoom | Special Attack Strike |
Leon & Charizard | Special Attack Strike |
N & Zekrom | Physical Strike |
Cynthia & Mega Garchomp | Physical Strike |
Sabrina & Mega Alakazam | Support |
Acerola & Palossand | Tech |
Hilbert & Mightyena | Physical Strike |
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas | Support |
Player & Torchic | Support |
Sygna Suit Leaf & Mega Venusaur | Tech |
Serena & Delphox | Tech |
A-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters
A-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters aren’t as great as S-tier units but they’re still good enough to be a consistent part of your team.
Sync Pair | Type |
Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom | Support |
Burgh & Leavanny | Special Attack Striker |
Rosa & Delibird | Support |
Misty & Starmie | Support |
Lyra & Meganium | Support |
Lysandre & Yveltal | Special Attack Strike |
Dawn & Alcremie | Tech |
Flannery & Torkoal | Tech |
Ghetsis & Kyurem | Tech |
Lillie & Clefairy | Support |
Piers & Obstagoon | Support |
Jasmine & Mega Steelix | Support |
Erika & Comfey | Support |
Koga & Crobat | Tech |
Iris & Hydreigon | Tech |
Lance & Dragonite | Physical Strike |
Alder & Volcarona | Special Attack Strike |
Iris & Haxorus | Physical Strike |
Sygna Suit Grimsley & Mega Sharpedo | Physical Strike |
Brendan & Sceptile | Physical Strike |
Dawn & Torterra | Support |
Will & Xatu | Tech |
Serena & Whimsicott | Tech |
Leaf & Eevee | Support |
Professor Oak & Mew | Tech |
Blue & Mega Pidgeot | Special Attack Strike |
Sygna Suit Cynthia & Kommo-o | Special Attack Strike |
Selene & Decidueye | Physical Strike |
May & Mega Lopunny | Physical Strike |
Agatha & Mega Gengar | Tech |
Brendan & Sceptile | Physical Strike |
B-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters
B-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters aren’t ‘bad’. However, their performance is situational and you should not expect consistency from them. They might outshine the opponents in one battle but get completely thrashed in the next.
Sync Pairs | Type |
Player & Pikachu | Special Attack Striker |
Caitlin & Reuniclus | Special Attack Striker |
Phoebe & Dusknoir | Support |
Drake & Salamence | Support |
Lance & Gyarados | Physical Striker |
Lisia & Mega Altaria | Tech |
Player & Solgaleo | Physical Striker |
Lyra & Jigglypuff | Special Attack Striker |
Wally & Mega Gallade | Physical Striker |
Cyrus & Palkia | Special Attack Striker |
Skyla & Togekiss | Tech |
Mallow & Tsareena | Tech |
Elio & Primarina | Support |
Kukui & Lycanroc | Tech |
Brock & Onix | Tech |
Noland & Mega Pinsir | Physical Striker |
Korrina & Mega Lucario | Physical Striker |
C-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters
C-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters are not effective in a majority of scenarios and to be fair, you should not be spending your time on them. The stats of these sync pairs are lopsided and accordingly, it is not wise to rely on them for victory.
Sync Pair | Type |
Ethan & Typhlosion | Special Attack Striker |
Elesa & Zebstrika | Physical Striker |
Gardenia & Roserade | Special Attack Striker |
Molayne & Dugtrio | Physical Striker |
Blaine & Rapidash | Tech |
Barry & Empoleon | Special Attack Striker |
Roxanne & Probopass | Support |
Marshal & Conkeldur | Physical Striker |
Maylene & Medicham | Support |
Cheryl & Blissey | Support |
Rosa & Serperior | Support |
Liza & Lunatone | Support |
Lana & Araquanid | Support |
Kris & Feraligatr | Physical Striker |
Bruno & Machamp | Physical Striker |
Silver & Ho-oh | Special Attack Striker |
Pryce & Dewgong | Special Attack Striker |
Bugsy & Mega Beedrill | Physical Striker |
Roxie & Scolipede | Physical Striker |
Crasher Wake & Floatzel | Tech |
Wallace & Milotic | Tech |
Brawly & Hariyama | Tech |
Calem & Meowstic | Tech |
Acerola & Mimikyu | Tech |
Siebold & Octillery | Tech |
Ramos & Victreebel | Tech |
Clemont & Heliolisk | Tech |
Shauntal & Chandelure | Special Attack Striker |
James & Weezing | Tech |
Zinnia & Rayquaza | Special Attack Striker |
D-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters
D-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters can significantly affect your progress with their low success rate. They will rarely help you in clutching the win, and thanks to their terrible defense stats, the battles won’t be that long in most cases.
Sync Pair | Type |
Cheren & Stoutland | Support |
Hapu & Mudsdale | Physical Striker |
Thorton & Bronzong | Tech |
Brycen & Cryogonal | Tech |
Norman & Slaking | Physical Striker |
Lt. Surge & Electrode | Tech |
Candice & Abomasnow | Tech |
Tate & Solrock | Physical Striker |
Player & Solgaleo | Special Attack Striker |
Roark & Rampardos | Physical Striker |
Brycen & Cryogonal | Tech |
E-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters
Long story short, don’t pick the E-tier sync pairs in Pokemon Masters. They do not provide enough attack or defense and using them during Champion fights is something you might regret.
Sync Pair | Type |
Marlon & Carracosta | Support |
Siebold & Clawitzer | Special Attack Striker |
Lorelei & Lapras | Tech |
Mina & Granbull | Tech |
Marley & Arcanine | Support |
Valerie & Sylveon | Special Attack Striker |
Whitney & Miltank | Tech |
Grant & Aurorus | Tech |
We’ll make sure to update this Pokemon Masters tier list according to the latest changes in the meta. For similar content, check out how to get Mega Energy in Pokemon Go, the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Go, and the biggest Pokemon ever.
Image Credits: DeNA