Pokemon Go Spring into Spring Collection Challenge & Field Research tasks & rewards

The newest Pokemon Go event is live featuring the debuting Cutiefly and players have a chance to earn a new Elite Collector Medal by completing the Spring into Spring Collection Challenge.
Pokemon Go is celebrating its Spring into Spring event and players have a lot to do in the coming days. Debuting Cutiefly and Ribombee are headlining the event with a new Collection Challenge and limited-time Field Research tasks with exciting rewards. This marks a new celebration during the Rising Heroes season in Pokemon Go.
In this article, we’ll cover every Spring into Spring Collection Challenge and Field Research task and reward in Pokemon Go.
How to complete the Spring into Spring Collection Challenge in Pokemon Go
The Spring into Spring Collection Challenge is available in Pokemon Go until Monday, April 10, 2023, at 8 PM local time. Players must get every Pokemon on the list to earn the Elite Collector Medal:
- Whismur – Can be caught in the wild.
- Bunnelby – Can be caught in the wild.
- Flower Crown Buneary – Can be caught in the wild.
- Marill – Can be caught in the wild.
- Cherry Blossom Eevee – Can be caught in the wild and through event-exclusive Field Research task.
- Cherry Blossom Pikachu – Can be caught in the wild and through event-exclusive Field Research task.
- Cutiefly – Can be caught in the wild and hatching 2 Km Eggs.
- Rimbombee – Evolved from Cutiefly spending 50 Candy.
- Diggersby – Evolved from Bunnelby spending 50 Candy.
- Lopunny – Evolved from Buneary spending 50 Candy.
Players that complete this challenge before the end of the event will earn XP, Stardust, and a Lucky Egg.

Pokemon Go Spring into Spring Field Research tasks & rewards
Pokemon Go players that spin PokeStops during the Spring into Spring event might get an event-exclusive Field Research task. Here’s the full list of tasks and rewards:
Task | Reward |
Hatch an Egg | Cherry Blossom Pikachu or Eevee encounter |
Hatch 2 Eggs | Flower Crown Togetic encounter |
Hatch 4 Eggs | Flower Crown Chansey encounter |
Thanks to one of the Spring into Spring bonuses, Eggs placed in an Incubator during the event period will hatch at half the usual distance. Also, keep in mind that 2 Km Eggs have a different pool during the Spring into Spring event.
That’s everything you need to know about the Spring into Spring Collection Challenge and Field Research tasks. For more Pokemon content, check our other guides:
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Image Credits: Niantic / The Pokemon Company