Simple Pokemon Go trick lets players keep Spawn Radius Increase despite nerf

Niladri Sarkar
pokemon go spawn increase around a player

A clever Pokemon Go fan has come up with a simple trick that lets fellow players enjoy the increased Spawn Radius present in Patch 0.275 on both Android and iOS despite being nerfed by Niantic.

Patch 0.275 delighted Pokemon Go players by doubling the Spawn interaction range to 80 meters. This was a welcome quality-of-life update to the game that earned Niantic a lot of praise.

But, in a surprising move, Niantic quickly reversed the update within 3 days. This naturally triggered a wave of backlash from the Pokemon Go community. This is the second instance in recent times where players were displeased with Niantic’s updates.

Players would, however, be happy to know that there’s some good news on the horizon. A Pokemon Go fan has shared a trick that lets players continue taking advantage of the increased Spawn Radius and catch Pokemon. Here it is:

Pokemon Go trick keeps increased Spawn Radius after nerf

This person spilled the beans on a simple in-game trick that lets players enjoy the increased Spawn Radius from Patch 0.275 without any effort.

The post by the fan highlighted the trick: “Toggle off Auto Updates to enjoy 275.0’s Spawn Radius Increase until 275.1 is forced. They won’t force the update until the rollout is complete on all app stores (hopefully – they’ve messed that up before too), so we should be able to use 275.0 for a while longer.”

Android players can use the trick by doing the following:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app
  2. Click your profile picture in the top right corner
  3. Select ‘Settings’
  4. Select ‘Network preferences’
  5. Finally, set ‘Auto-update apps’ to “Don’t auto-update apps”

iOS players can use the trick by doing the following:

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Scroll down and select ‘App Store’
  3. Under the Automatic Downloads section, make sure ‘App Updates’ are disabled

And that’s it! This trick is simple and hardly takes any effort to use. However, keep in mind that this trick will work only if you haven’t already updated to the current version. Patch 0.275’s support will be available for a limited time, and Niantic will eventually require players to update. While the timing of the forced update remains unknown, players can enjoy the Pokemon Go increased Spawn Radius for now.

For more on Pokemon Go, be sure to check out the current Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour schedule and find out the Best Pokemon for PvP battles in Pokemon Go.