Lucky Pokemon TCG player shares “insane” ultra-rare pulls from one Walmart trip

Joaquín Frere
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Booster pulls are one of the Pokemon TCG community’s favorite things to share, and one lucky player has revealed that his Walmart run ended up in some “insane” Pokemon EX pulls.

The new Pokemon TCG expansion based on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is right around the corner. “Paradox Rift” is the next entry in the TCG Scarlet and Violet series that is set to release on November 3, and fans are already getting ready for it.

With “Scarlet and Violet 151” recently released, that makes a total of four expansions based on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Most players buy to play, but some just want to catch ’em all, and going back to some previous expansions might’ve done the trick for this Reddit user.

Visiting Walmart resulted in three Pokemon-EX and one Full Art pull for user ‘rodrisalazar1992,’ all from Scarlet and Violet Paldea Evolved and 151 booster packs. The TCG community on Reddit responded to his streak of good luck and congratulated him on the new acquisitions.

This Pokemon fan added a Full Art Dragonair to his roster, as well as a brand new Jynx, Blastoise, and Chien-Pao EX. These are always good news for collectors, and for these cards to come out of five packs is definitely a stroke of good luck.

The Kanto EX cards are “especially sick” and “awesome hits” according to fans on the OP’s post, but arguably the most impressive pulls were Blastoise and Chien-Pao. The newly added Legendary to the series is part of the Ruinous Legends quartet of Paldea, and a rare catch regarding their mysterious origin.

In the meantime, you can check out all the new TCG Cards available in the Obsidian Flames collection, or all the details about the Pokemon TCG Raging Surf set.

About The Author

Joaquín is a new Senior Writer for Charlie Intel with years of experience on games journalism. Focusing on all things JRPGs and a videogame developer at heart. Graduated from Game-Dev School and Public Relations, his current work is Charlie Intel and Infobae for LATAM. You can contact Joaquín at [email protected]