Lucky Pokemon Go player stuns fans with “rare and unique” OG Mon trade

Niladri Sarkar
pokemon go lucky trades on game screens

A Lucky trade turned extra special for a Pokemon Go player who received a perfect grab of an unexpected species, leaving fans in awe and disbelief.

Lucky trades help Pokemon Go players get a better version of Pokemon, which usually have higher stats and are cheaper in terms of Stardust, to power up and max out the species.

That’s not all as Lucky trades also help trainers complete the dreaded level 48 task to reach 49, giving the community more reasons to participate in these special trades.

But nothing could have prepared a Pokemon Go trainer, named ‘NorthernCaptain’ on Reddit, for the most unexpected and unique Lucky trade they could have ever imagined, which they shared in a post titled: “Could this be the only one in the world?!”

The OP shared a screengrab of a hundo (100 IV) Charmander received through a Lucky trade and it wasn’t just any Charmander! It’s the first Pokemon ever obtained by a trainer starting the mobile game as their starter species, something that many have deleted.

Pokemon Go players were amazed by the never-seen-before hundo as they lauded the OP for their unique Mon with comments such as: “What a very nice trade. You’re [really] lucky OP. The best starter Pokemon on top of it” and “Wow, this is very rare and unique.”

Another commented on the rarity of the Charmander: “I’d say pretty rare, a lot of people I know that started back when it launched no longer play. I don’t even have my starter mon left lol.”

The OP asked: “Naturally I had to max it out. I wonder how many original 2016 day 1 starters ever became a Lucky hundo?” to which others mentioned that 2016 Pokemon end up being guaranteed Lucky trades but they were still impressed that the starter turned into a hundo.

As more users celebrated the one-of-a-kind trade of the “original” starter, the OP stated that they plan to Best Buddy it but aren’t sure if they’ll evolve it to Charizard or keep it as a Charmander.

The OP is certainly very lucky and if you’re aiming to get some incredible additions to your team, check out the rarest and strongest species in Pokemon Go.