Blizzard addresses Overwatch 2 bug shutting down players’ PCs

Overwatch 2 players are having their PCs completely shut down and restart, and Blizzard have confirmed they’re investigating the frustrating issue.
While Overwatch 2 players are enjoying all of the new gameplay additions including maps and heroes, a few frustrating gameplay issues have been getting in the way. Now that the server issues are largely dealt with, Blizzard have turned their attention to game-breaking heroes and the issue where heroes are locked when they’re not meant to be.
Now, they’ve also addressed the frustrating issue where Overwatch 2 PC players’ computers are completely shutting down and restarting.
Ever since its launch, Blizzard’s forum has been chock-full of players complaining that their PCs are suddenly shutting down while playing Overwatch 2. Players explain how their computers freeze, shut down, or instantly reboot from BIOS.
Some believe it’s a CPU issue, with user Azgorath saying that their PC shut down after their CPU skyrocketed to over 100 degrees Celcius, which forced their computer to shut down. “It looks like it’s some major bug in OW2 currently that’s making our CPUs get very hot in a matter of seconds,” they explained.
In an October 12 tweet, Blizzard confirmed they’re aware of the issues. “We are currently investigating an issue with computers restarting or shutting down while playing Overwatch 2,” the devs tweeted, linking players to the forum page where they can “help with the investigation.”
Within the forum, Blizzard asks players who are experiencing problems with their PC to post their DXDIAG, which will help the devs troubleshoot the issue.
While another update is set to arrive this week, the devs haven’t revealed what it will include. In the meantime, you can check out how to claim the Cursed Captain Reaper Legendary skin which was awarded as an apology for the server issues.
Image Credit: Blizzard