Modern Warfare Snapchat AR teases new content for Season 1

Back during the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare MP reveal in August, Activision sent a group of us a Snapchat AR code that, when activated through Snapchat, would showcase new intel on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
The company has now once again updated the AR with intel on “new content” that is most likely coming with Season 1 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
The AR for this takes you around a 360 degree circle to showcase new content, and we’ve put together in a list what we saw plus the best images we could grab.
- New Operator: Mara
- Teaser for a classified character
- Teaser for a potential new equipment (gas barrel)
- New Operator: Nikto
- Teaser with soldier over looking what appears to be a new map (Crash, potentially)
- New map: Atrium
- New map: Cargo
- Teaser for a Special Ops Experience
Here’s the set of images. The images in the gallery are in the order listed in the list above:
There is no indication as to when Season 1 starts in Modern Warfare yet. We’ll keep you updated.