Modern Warfare February 21 Community Update

Infinity Ward has released the latest community update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on their blog giving fans a look at what’s to come to the game over the next week.
The post recaps what changed this week and previews some new playlists that are to come with the next playlist update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Bazaar Gunfight map is also deploying this week.
Here’s the full details:
Let’s take a look at what happened at the studio this week and what’s coming next week!
This week we added NVG Reinforce to the playlist along with combining Rust and Shipment 24/7 into one playlist (who doesn’t love a little Flotation Oxidation?). We also gave you an opportunity to get back your street cred with our 1v1 Me Bro playlist.
Lastly, we deployed two small patches across all platforms during the course of the week. Patch notes for both are below:
- Fix for Regiment tags appearing incorrectly
- Fix for some players being unable to claim existing Battle Pass tokens
- Fix for players receiving the “Jockworth” error while in Gunfight Tournaments
- Backend fixes
- Fixed a bug where numbers on the team roster and number on the COD Caster minimap did not correspond
- Fix for a CDL Gunsmith exploit
- Pointman: Fix for an issue where Kill Chain scores were being given for Killstreak kills without having Kill Chain equipped
Want to see the latest updates with known issues we’re tracking and bugs we’re looking into? Be sure to bookmark our Trello board so you can stay up to date! Check it out HERE!
What’s Coming Next Week?
We’ve got some 3v3 Snipers on Rust action coming your way, along with Infantry Ground War, a tweak on regular Ground War where there’s no tanks/APCs. We’re also adding a new map, Bazaar, into rotation! And to make the weekend even better, we’ll be turning on 2XP starting Friday.
SOURCE: Infinity Ward