Gunfight in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare supports 1v1 and 3v3 in Private Matches

Keshav Bhat

Infinity Ward’s Level Designer has revealed on Reddit that players can customize how they want to play Gunfight in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in private matches with a variety of options.

The studio confirmed earlier last week that players are allowed to change up the pre-set classes in Gunfight in Custom Matches, so players can have all sorts of configurations while playing for fun with friends.

Now, they’ve confirmed that the game will support 1v1 and 3v3 player counts in Gunfight in Private Matches.

“The 2v2 maps support 3v3’s in custom match.”

He also confirmed that 1v1 match option is available in Custom Matches, joking that the 1v1 configuration is how debates are settled internally.

“Yup. It’s how we settle all debates here at IW.”

There’s no indication as of now if the studio will bring 1v1 and 3v3 to online play in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Infinity Ward has plans for different configuration of classes for Gunfight post-launch.

SOURCE: Reddit