Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer features night versions of select maps with enhanced Realism mode

Keshav Bhat

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer features a new, more hardcore version of the hardcore game mode. Select maps in Modern Warfare have a day and night time variants.

The night time variants are actually dark. Complete darkness and requires players to use the Night Vision in-game effectively in order to win the TDM style match. 

Players spawn in and can select their class. On PS4, you press the down D-pad button to enable Night Vision. When using Night Vision in this game, it’s real night vision, not just a green overlay. When aiming down sights, if you have a weapon with no attachments on it, your weapon sort of tilts while ADSing. And while walking around, your weapon gives off a laser that allows you to be spotted by both teammates and enemies — so you have to be strategic with this mode. 

And it’s one shot kill to the head, and a few shots if you’re going for the body.  

One of the big challenges with this mode is that you don’t get a hitmaker confirmation at all — so you’re not all the time sure if you got the kill, especially if its a long range fight. We have some gameplay of this mode which is showcased on our Twitter shortly.