How to find singing gun Skippy in Cyberpunk 2077

Andrew Highton

Cyberpunk 2077 is a huge game with so much content that it will probably take people many years to find. A very interesting and useful gun called Skippy has been located that not only sings to V, but provides headshot bonuses too.

The futuristic nature of Night City means that a variety of cool and deadly weapons are available at your disposal. Some can ricochet bullets off of walls and some are smart enough that you don’t even need to be able to see the enemy to hit them.

However, a strange and entertaining gun has been discovered that has two very different, and unique, modes of fire that can destroy your enemies.

Skippy the singing gun location

Cyberpunk 2077 is no stranger to easter eggs and hidden secrets and CD Projekt Red has packed their game full of them.

The bizarre gun in question has been found in The Glen – located in the Heywood district. It identifies on the map as an “Undiscovered location” and can be located in an Alley after hopping over a fence.

This is the spot where you should be able to find Skippy lying in an open briefcase next to a dead person.

Upon picking up and making contact with Skippy, he will be very stubborn almost immediately, even ignoring your request by increasing his own volume to drown you out. He will play a “soothing melody” of constant “bum-de-bums” to make your time together more relaxing.

Shortly after, Skippy’s true purpose becomes clear as he asks you to select one of his two operating modes:

  • Puppy-Loving Pacifist – He will focus primarily on the lower extremities
  • Stone Cold Killer – He will aim exclusively at the head

It’s up to you which option you choose, but the obvious selection is surely Stone Cold Killer mode for the outrageous damage bonuses you will receive.

In the words of Skippy – Happy slaughtering!

Image credits: CD Projekt Red