Halo Infinite download size leaked online

Nathan Warby

An online leak appears to have revealed how much storage space the next installment of 343’s Halo franchise will need when it hits Xbox consoles later this year.

Fans are itching to get their hands on Master Chief’s next adventure, but something that isn’t always taken into account is how much memory the latest games will take to download. As games get more and more ambitious, the size of the files that have to be installed to consoles only goes up – with some taking up well over 100GB.

But where does Infinite fall? Well, an image has been floating around Reddit which seems to answer the question.

4K screenshot of Halo Infinite running on Xbox Series X

According to the leak, players will need to free up a whopping 97.24GB to install the long-awaited FPS, although it is likely to be smaller on the older Xbox One.

Journalists were recently allowed access to a preview build of the game, which weighed in at around 18GB. Although it’s worth noting that this early-access download was only made up of three multiplayer maps.

When the final game launches it will feature the campaign, forge, and the full multiplayer mode, the latter of which will also be released separately as a free-to-play standalone title.  

Some larger titles, such as Call of Duty, have allowed players to download different modes separately as a way of not eating up as much storage. Fans are hoping 343 will follow suit, as the leaked requirements would take up a big chunk of the Series X’s 800GB hard drive.

Screenshot of Halo Infinite game size on Xbox

Halo Infinite’s development has been hindered by a number of factors, with the ongoing global situation heavily contributing to the delays.

It was originally due to release as a launch title for the Xbox Series X and S in November 2020, but the disruptions caused it to be pushed back to 2021.

Halo Infinite is now penciled in for a Q4 release this year on Xbox Series X/S and PC, with the specific day and month yet to be confirmed.

Image credits: 343 Industries