Forza Motorsport Steam reviews plummet amid performance issues: “Don’t buy this trash”

Aakash Regmi
Blue Dodge RT racing in Forza Motorsport

Forza Motorsport launched with a fairly positive reception, but now it seems that Turn 10’s sim racer has failed to flatter PC players as Steam user scores dip to a new low because of poor performance. 

Microsoft’s premium racer, Forza Motorsport, got off the grid with an excellent start, as fans were blown away by near-photo-realistic graphics and several welcome changes, including a progression rework. After launch, however, the feeling changed as players began to notice that the finer details on cars, like headlights, were worse than Forza Horizon 5.  

Turn 10 already made several adjustments, including one to the upgrade economy, based on the community feedback with the first major update. However, it appears that there are plenty of issues still plaguing Forza Motorsport that players aren’t fond of, as the Steam rating has dipped to an all-time low. 

PC players tank Forza Motorsport review scores over poor performance

If you go by Metacritic, Forza Motorsport’s user reviews for the Xbox version sit at a solid 7.8/10. The PC user score, meanwhile, is at just 3.9.  On Steam, it opened with an “Average” score, and now it rests at a “Mostly Negative” score. Most of the complaints are related to AI, performance (bugs, crashes, load time, and whatnot), and poor textures.

forza motorsport race
Forza Motorsport PC players report frequent crashes and poor texture quality.

Many players explained their poor reviews by pointing out the performance issues affecting Forza Motorsport, with some even demanding their money back.

A user on Steam wrote, “The game looked amazing from videos and social media but when I loaded in I could not have said the same, I started the first mission and parts of the map was not loaded in… what a good first impression… currently waiting for a refund and would not suggest this purchase.”

Some said “the whole upgrade system is ridiculous,” while others vented their frustration saying “DON’T BUY THIS TRASH! Not if you value your sanity!”

Another user with 172.6 hours of playtime said, “Recommended if you want to have a GT7 like simcadey racing game on PC… Not recommended if you want a finished product.”

There are positive reviews as well, but even those pointed out performance issues. On a more positive note, Forza Motorsport will be receiving updates for years, so fans are optimistic that most of these issues will be patched up.

If you’ve just started Forza Motorsport, check out our best camera setting guide as well as the best cars in each class for a perfect head start.