How to get Hop Drop low gravity effect in Fortnite

The Fortnitemares 2022 event has brought the Hop Drop consumable item, and here’s how you can find it to get the Hop Drop low gravity effect in Fortnite.
Halloween is here, and Epic Games have put Fortnite players in a festive mood by introducing a ton of season-themed content in the Fortnitemares 2022 event, including the Howler Claws weapon.
Another new addition is a special consumable item known as the Hop Drop, and this is only available for a limited time during the Halloween-themed event. We’ll go over how you can get your hands on it.
What are Hop Drops in Fortnite
When you consume a Hop Drop during a match, you will receive a low gravity effect that lets you jump higher and further than normal. So, you’ll be able to leap across the map and get to places quicker.
This especially comes in handy when you find yourself overwhelmed by Fortnite enemies and need to make a quick getaway. One of the Fortnitemares Quests tasks you with jumping three times while the low gravity effect is enabled, so you’ll want to get yourself some Hop Drops.
How to get Hop Drop low gravity effect in Fortnite
Hop Drops can be collected from buckets of candy around the map. These buckets look like pumpkins and can be found outside shops and houses at different POIs. You’ll find plenty of these at Chrome Crossroads near the center of the island.

Alternatively, you can also purchase Hop Drops from Cuddle Scream Leader for 100 Gold Bars at Titled Towers. If you don’t have the right amount, then you can check out our guide on how to earn Gold Bars.
While spending your Gold Bars is the more expensive method of getting Hot Drops, it’s also the most reliable one as you may not get the item from the first bucket of candy that you search through.
For more Fortnite content, check out how to get the Black Adam bundle as well as our guide on how to quickly complete the Weekly Quests.
Image credits: Epic Games