How to complete Fortnite Season 7 Week 9 Quests

Another batch of Quests have arrived in Fortnite Season 7, offering players a ton of XP in Week 9. Here’s every challenge, and our guides on how to complete them.
Fortnite Season 7 is drawing to a close now, with the 17.30 update bringing the highly-anticipated Ariana Grande concert as part of the Rift Tour event. There is also a brand-new batch of Legendary Quests to complete, offering you a ton of XP towards earning Battle Stars and completing the Season 7 Battle Pass.
Here’s every Legendary Quest in Season 7, Week 9, as well as full guides on how to complete them.
Fortnite Season 7 Week 9 Legendary Quests

Fortnite Season 7’s Week 9 Quests are now live. These challenges will only be available for a week, so make sure you complete them before August 11.
Here’s the full list of Week 9 Legendary Quests:
- Answer Slone from a phone (1) – 15,000 XP
- Equip a Detector and disable an Alien Billboard in a single game (2) – 45,000 XP
- Collect resources at Holly Hatchery (100) – 30,000 XP
- Eliminate tresspassers (3) – 30,000 XP
- Place a Bioscanner in an Alien Biome (1) – 30,000 XP
- Place Spy Probes (3) – 30,000 XP
Week 7 will ask players to answer the payphones once again, so you can check out our payphone location guide to quickly complete this Quest. The Bioscanners can be placed at Holly Hatchery, so you can harvest the resources while completing this Quest.
Also, we’ve got a full guide on how to equip a Detector and disable Alien Billboards.
Fortnite Season 7 Week 9 Epic Quests

Week 9’s Epic Quests are now live too and will remain available for the rest of the Season. If you’re getting short on time towards finishing the Battle Pass, these will be a great way to ensure you finish it ahead of Season 8.
Here’s the full list of Week 9 Epic Quests:
- Launch toilets with a Grab-itron (2) – 30,000 XP
- Dance on an Abductor or as a passenger on a Saucer (1) – 30,000 XP
- Avoid taking damage while dealing 100 damage to opponents in a single match (1) – 30,000 XP
- Reveal an opponent with a Recon Scanner, then hit them with a Rail Gun (1) – 30,000 XP
- Drive an IO vehicle with off-road tires (1000) – 30,000 XP
- Use IO launchpads (1) – 30,000 XP
- Carry an alien sample from a Satellite Station’s dish to an entrance at Corny Complex (1) – 30,000 XP
The Grab-itron arrived with the 17.30 update, so you can check out our guide on how to get it. Once you have it, simply use it on two toilets around the Fortnite island. Also, we have a guide on how to find the Abductors as part of getting captured by the Mothership.
If you haven’t finished last week’s Quests, you can check out Week 8’s Epic and Legendary Quests.
Image Credit: Epic Games / Fortnite Wiki