New glitch allows you to easily beat raid boss in Destiny 2: Beyond Light

Andrew Highton

If your Fireteam is desperately struggling with the Deep Stone Crypt or you just want to get to the second secret chest, then we may have an easy solution to help you get there. A glitch renders one raid boss very easy, we’ll show you how to do it.

Destiny raids are not supposed to be easy; that’s kind of their deal. So when we say we have a way for you to make Deep Stone Crypt a bit easier, that would be putting it lightly.

A strange new glitch allows for an easier experience in Bungie‘s Beyond Light’s raid, and for those that have been attempting it – solo or otherwise – you’ll have a better time of things should you choose to use it.

Deep Stone Crypt Raid glitch

atraks-1 in deep stone crypt raid in destiny 2 beyond light

DSC is an exhausting battle of perseverance and organization. Such is the event’s tasks and new functions it imparts on you; there’s a lot to keep track of. Well, thanks to this new glitch, you can breeze effortlessly through one of the raid’s toughest encounters.

The first real fight of DSC is the boss battle against Atraks-1, Fallen Exo. What is normally a coordinated operation of teamwork and concentration can now be mocked and made to look rather foolish.

The method originally features in a video by JB3, and Esoterickk has been allowed to use it to bring more attention to it. To successfully pull off this glitch, you will need to do the following:

  1. Initiate the fight against Atraks-1
  2. Get in one of the elevators that take you up to space
  3. Head for the door that normally opens once the fight is over
  4. Equip Salvation’s Grip and make sure you’re right up against the door facing away from it
  5. Aim directly at the floor and fire a projectile at the floor
  6. Move slightly the left side and fire another one so that it’s next to the first one
  7. Then move so that you’re slightly to the right of the first one, then fire another one
  8. Then return to the middle one and crouch
  9. You should be slowly pushed backwards so that you glitch through the door

If you want to see the full video for yourself, then watch it here.

Congratulations, you’ve now skipped 95% of this encounter and avoided the trials and tribulations that Bungie had in-store for you. Now head through and finish off a defenseless Atraks-1.

People are continuing to find ways to make DSC easier, and it probably won’t be too long before Taniks is next on the agenda.

Image credits: Bungie