What is Destiny 2 Season 15 Max Power Cap Level?

Nicholas Barth
Destiny 2 Max Power Cap Light Level

Season of the Lost is Season 15 in the timeline of Destiny 2. It has brought a new Destiny 2 max power cap light level that Guardians can achieve to become strong enough to take on all of the challenges this new period of content brings to the game.

The newest period of content has officially begun in the world of Destiny 2 with the arrival of Season of the Lost. This Season 15 period has added various new things for Guardians to enjoy, such as the new Lorentz Driver Exotic weapon, and a new story to play through.

One of the biggest changes made with the arrival of Season of the Lost is the new Destiny 2 max power cap that players can achieve through obtaining new gear in Season 15.

Destiny 2 Season 15 Max Power Cap Light Level

Destiny 2 Season 15 Max Power Cap Light Level

Guardians will find that the Destiny 2 max power cap for Season of the Lost only increased in total by 10 levels compared to the usual 50 in previous seasons, which means newer and veteran players will not have to grind a much to become as powerful as possible in Season 15.

The Destiny 2 max power cap for Season of the Lost is 1,330. Now, this is the highest Pinnacle level which can only be obtained through getting Pinnacle gear.

The hard cap for Season 15 is 1,320. This hard cap can be achieved by Guardians who attain powerful gear from various activities. Activities that provide Powerful Gear will let you know when you hover over them so that you do not waste your time on ones that will not reward you with what you need.

Finally, the soft cap is where a decent portion of the Season of the Lost content will be. This soft cap for Season 15 is 1,270 and can be reached by getting rares, legendaries, and exotics, so Guardians looking to reach this mark should not have too much trouble by just playing regular activities.

There is no doubt that plenty of excitement awaits players grinding away to reach the Destiny 2 power cap for Season of the Lost that Bungie has put in place.

For more Destiny 2, check out how you can get the fan-favorite Gjallarhorn in Destiny 2, and stay tuned for future news and guides.

Image Credits: Bungie

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