Xbox boss wants to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo Switch if Microsoft’s Activision buyout completes

Call of Duty may finally have a home on the Nintendo Switch if Xbox’s Phil Spencer gets his way, as the CEO is eager to bring the AAA shooter to the popular handheld console if the Activision deal is successful.
Call of Duty games have previously appeared on the Wii and the WiiU, but for whatever reason, the highly successful Nintendo Switch platform has never had so much as a sniff of a new CoD game.
Modern Warfare 2 is the next big release in the historic FPS franchise and it will be skipping the Nintendo brand again.
Xbox CEO Phil Spencer was recently discussing the proposed Xbox and Activision merger and has made some interesting claims about Call of Duty and the Nintendo Switch if the buyout is completed.
Call of Duty could come to the Nintendo Switch
After once again hammering home the point that PlayStation CoD fans need not worry if Microsoft does purchase Activision, Spencer had this to say: “Call of Duty specifically will be available on PlayStation.”
The CEO is also quoted as saying that he’d like to make Call of Duty even more widely available: “I’d love to see it on the Switch, I’d love to see the game playable on many different screens. Our intent is to treat CoD like Minecraft.”
Mentioning Minecraft is presumably a nod to the fact that Minecraft is available on all platforms including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, PC, and mobile.
There would certainly be a home for CoD on the Switch with Nintendo’s beast having sold well over 100 million units and counting, especially as there isn’t a ton of choice when it comes to shooters on the Switch.
Even though the console doesn’t possess the powerful capabilities of a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X, it’s proven itself more than capable by being able to conjure monstrous games such as Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Pokemon.
The “will it, won’t it?” Activision/Microsoft saga looks set to continue for a while longer yet, but in the meantime, check out the full details on MW2’s camo system, plus, the bizarre change made to MW2’s Hardcore mode.
Image Credit: Activision / Nintendo