Patch Update 1.25 for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 now live on PS4/XB1/PC

Keshav Bhat

A new patch update, version 1.25 for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The update is a 1.6GB download.



  • General Stability Improvements.
  • [PC ONLY] Security Update

  • Addressed an issue with the Black Market menu, where items were overlapping when scrolling.

  • Fixed an issue with Weapon attachment icons not appearing correctly for Loadouts during a match.

    • Firing sounds will now properly be silenced when using both the Rapid Fire and Suppressor attachments.
    • Increased the 3-hit kill range with the Long Barrel attachment.
    • Increased effectiveness versus UAV’s, Counter-UAV’s, and Care Packages.

    • Addressed multiple exploits where Players were able to access unintended areas of the map.
    • Scorestreak tablet now properly displays mini-map.


  • Addressed various exploits across all maps.

  • Addressed an issue where the Panzersoldat would not take damage from the Fire Staff.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Panzersoldat to spawn in unopened areas of the map.
  • [PC ONLY] Resolved a crash that could occur during round transitions.

SOURCE: Activision Support: PS4 // XB1 // PC