New Game Settings Update for BO3 (v. 37.11.18): Hardwired Buff, Specialist Tuning, and more

Keshav Bhat

Treyarch has released a new game settings update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 on PS4 and Xbox One. The version number should be* (*last number may vary by platform).

The new update includes:

  • Higher specialist earning power in Search & Destory
  • Hardwired has been buffed to better counter Sixth Sense perk
  • Fix for a spawn issue for when waiting to select class
  • Stat losses for Arena when quitting games
  • Fixes for issues when prestiging weapons
  • More



In addition, it looks like this game settings update has activated Double Weapon XP, which is set to end on November 30th at 10AM PT.