JGOD shows insane difference between Warzone PC and console FOV

YouTuber JGOD compares Warzone PC and console FOV to show how different they really are.
Field of view, or FOV, has been a hot button issue for Warzone console players. PC players have the opportunity to adjust their FOV and increase it to 120 degrees. However, console players are locked in at 80.
Many players believe that this causes console players to be at a huge disadvantage. Other players claim that FOV doesn’t have that much of an impact on gameplay.
Yet, JGOD has compared footage from console and PC players who played in the same tournament. This shows just how much of a difference FOV can make in Warzone.
JGOD’s Warzone PC and console FOV analysis
The cross-platform tournament allowed players to stream their gameplay on Twitch which is where JGOD obtained his footage. The first set of clips he shows are from Reidboyy, MuTeX, and Repullze.
Reidboyy is locked in at 80 FOV on the PS5, while MuTeX and Repullze both play on 120 FOV on PC. When Reidboyy dies, he spectates MuTeX, which reveals the difference in FOV.
While the difference is pretty drastic, JGOD doesn’t think the lack of FOV on console is game-breaking. However, he does state that competitive players “should have a higher FOV or the same FOV as their competitors.”
Looking at the screenshot below gives a pretty good comparison of Warzone PC and console FOV. While Reidboyy can’t even see past the far tree on the left, both PC players can see far beyond it.

JGOD goes on to show how much of the screen is lost when playing on 80 FOV. This shows that PC players are granted a rather large advantage by having larger FOV options.
While console players can’t blame every lost gunfight on limited Warzone FOV, this comparison is quite eye-opening. After seeing the difference, you can’t deny that PC players do have a visual advantage over console players.
That being said, what are your thoughts on FOV? Do you think PC players have an unfair advantage? Let us know your thoughts on our Charlie INTEL Facebook Page and Charlie INTEL Twitter Page!
For more Warzone, check out the best sniper loadouts for Season 5, and stay tuned for future guides and news.
Image Credit: JGOD / Activision