Warzone devs working to fix issue with hit markers following Feb 5 update

Raven’s February 4, 2021 update has added two huge game-breaking bugs into Warzone for players.
Update 2/5/2021 1 PM EST: Raven Software is investigating issues with this bug, per the studio’s Trello board.
In a patch meant to fix bugs like the stim glitch in Call of Duty: Warzone, new bugs have arisen as a result. Previously we reported on players being unable to change their operator, leaving players unable to use skins they purchased for the time being.
Now, we have a bug that has appeared for select players that remove hitmarkers, making it impossible for players to know if they’re hitting their target in the heat of battle.

Of course, you can always listen for audio cues, like armor cracking or the sound of hitting player flesh to figure out what kind of HP they are at, but unfortunately, this means all other players are at an advantage against you, who do have hitmarker functionality.
Frusterated players took to social media to vent, including Redditor MoJozzZ. In his original post, he states having no hitmarkers is tilting him, and that the 11gb patch barely fixed a thing.
In response to his thread, other confused users responded, stating “Just installed the update on Xbox – same here, no hitmarkers; only armor break is showing up” and others reporting the same on PS4. “Same here on PS4. Terrible…”.
In addition to players complaining about hitmarkers, one commenter complained that his reticle was randomly disappearing, and in response others flocked to agree, including the original poster.
Currently, it is unknown exactly what causes this bug and what players have this issue specifically. As for now, it seems like the lottery if you’ll get this or not. Raven has not commented yet on this issue, so hopefully they will notice and fix within the coming days.
We’ll update you if we hear more.