‘EngineOwning’ cheats detected by Warzone as users get banned

Keshav Bhat

Another massive cheat creation site called “EngineOwning” is now become unusable in Call of Duty: Warzone.

Infinity Ward, alongside Raven & Blizzard, appear to have found a way to detect users who are using cheats from the ‘EngineOwning’ website late last week.

Since then, users who have been using cheats from EngineOwning have been banned and forced to stop using their cheats in Call of Duty: Warzone.

EngineOwning updated their website to state that Warzone’s cheats are now been ‘detected’ by the developers, meaning they can ban all who are using this cheat in game.

Following this update, users on the site’s forum have started to whine and cry about being banned for using a cheat advertised as “undetectable.”

Update: EngineOwning reached out to ask us to clarify that they do not advertise their cheats as “undetectable” but rather they advertise their software as “merely undetected.”

Here’s some of the cheaters, whining on the site (via @ProRebornYT).

One user said he wants a “refund” on the cheats and game:

Another user complained that the site should stop advertising as “undetectable” as now their accounts are banned.

This ban wave appears to have gone out with even a new patch update, as these messages were posted over the past weekend.

Activision has also been pursuing other cheat creator websites with legal cease and desist orders and lawsuits, forcing them to remove all Activision related cheats from their website.