14-Year-Old Warzone player beats duos kill world record with his Father

The Warzone duos mode kill record has been beaten by a 14-year-old prodigy and his father.
Warzone kill records are no easy feat to achieve. The best players often spend many hours each day in an attempt to top each new record and set another.
Many of these players are seasoned veterans, with over 10 years of experience with the Call of Duty franchise, or shooters in general.
That is until recently, where a rising 14-year-old Warzone star “Nistaf“, set the kill record with his own father, obtaining a record-breaking 79 kills. Nistaf obtained a shocking 61 of the 79 kills, carrying his team to a decisive victory.

The weapon loadout of choice for his record-breaking run is the DMR rifle and Diamatti pistols, both being the prime weapons to pull off a high-kill game like this one.
While these weapons are highly debated among the community as being overpowered, it still doesn’t take away from the impressive kill record set by the young player.
Nistaf shows promise as a future Warzone competitor, and a record of this caliber is sure to bring more viewers to his YouTube channel and Twitch stream.
DEXERTO had the opportunity to speak with his father, who goes by the alias “BabaYuki“. He was asked when he realized his son was highly skilled at FPS games and responded by saying, “He has thousands of hours in Minecraft, but also put time into PUBG, Apex Legends, and Fortnite… that’s where I saw his real talent”.
Hopefully, this is the beginning of a great career for Nistaf. Once a player breaks into the scene with a record such as this, they are often asked to play games with larger streamers or organizations.
If Nistaf continues to set records, he has a good chance of becoming the next Warzone prodigy.
Image Credits: Activision