Sledgehammer promises to fix annoying Vanguard Search & Destroy bomb glitch

Luca Di Marzo
Search & Destroy Bomb Glitch

Sledgehammer has acknowledged a game-breaking exploit that signals the exact moment an enemy player is defusing the bomb.

Vanguard players who enjoy the thrills of the incredibly popular Search & Destroy mode have been plagued by an annoying glitch that completely alters gameplay

Search & Destroy is meant to utilize an even playing field between offense and defense. It didn’t take long for players to notice some odd text that appears on the screen when the bomb is being defused. 

Vanguard Search & Destroy gameplay

Call of Duty and Warzone streamer MuTeX was the first to expose the glitch on Twitter. You can see just how it works below. 

The glitch completely ruins the competitive integrity of the Vanguard Search & Destroy experience. Knowing when the enemy team hops on the bomb is a massive advantage.

Once you get the text prompt that indicates the bomb is being defused, it’s as simple as collecting your free kill. Making sneaky plays and defusing the bomb at key moments is a vital aspect of Search & Destroy.

Some would say that you could use the prompt to fool enemies into thinking you’re on the bomb before letting go of the defuse. This effectively turns the tables on your opponents. The best solution would be to fix the glitch and not mess with the fundamentals of a flawless game mode.

Sledgehammer has been quick to address other bugs and issues as they arise. The developers have either utilized silent patches or the first major Vanguard patch that was released earlier today (Nov 10th). Given the fact that this glitch essentially ruins an entire game mode, it’s odd that it hasn’t been fixed earlier.

Vanguard is still in its early days and Sledgehammer certainly has its hands full. This Search & Destroy bomb glitch should currently be a high priority if it hasn’t been treated as such.

Image Credits: Sledgehammer Games / Activision