Black Ops Cold War players want a “Mercenary Mode” for solo players in multiplayer

Joseph Pascoulis
cold war solo multiplayer

A Reddit user has proposed a new solo-only mode for Black Ops Cold War players who don’t want to compete against parties of players.

Loads of new content have been added to Black Ops Cold War for Season 3, with not just a variety of weapon buffs and nerfs but also a new Fireteam Elimination mode.

Although Warzone remains Call of Duty’s most popular title, the dedicated Black Ops Cold War multiplayer fans are still invested. They have even been asking for further updates to the game’s playlists and SBMM system.

Cold War solo multiplayer

Call of Duty’s multiplayer has been a staple in the gaming community for a very long time now. Some dedicated players spend huge amounts of hours annually on each installment every year.

The latest CoD multiplayer on Black Ops Cold War seems to have sparked some issues for players, more specifically solo players. Apart from SBMM complaints and queries, one player has actually brought up an issue many solo players will have encountered throughout the years.

Black Ops Cold War solo multiplayer idea

Reddit user CEO_Tsuikyit shared his idea for a new “Mercenary Mode” on Black Ops Cold War’s multiplayer, which could change the way solo players experience the game for the better.

The idea is fairly simple and is even reminiscent of Call of Duty’s previous mode Mercenary Moshpit, which saw only solo players thrown into lobbies of various game modes.

Although this could be difficult for Treyarch to implement and may throw a spanner in the matchmaking, it would make the experience of those solo players more enjoyable.

“This option would disable the ability to party up. And while you search for a match, it would not match you against parties.”

The Reddit user also gives a detailed explanation of his current issue with the matchmaking:

“I’ve never liked playing against parties as many times. While one of their members has a skill level I’d say is similar to mine, the other members are in a whole different league. They are significantly better than I am, and in a game that bases its matches around player performance, playing up with parties like this defeats the purpose of putting me with players who are similar to me in the first place.”

Although it isn’t every game, solo players are put in lobbies against full stacks of 6 players in a party. Most of the time, solos are put in lobbies with smaller parties of around 2/3, which does, of course, act as an advantage, especially if your team is full of individuals.

A few other users in the comments of this Reddit post agree with the idea, perhaps swaying Treyarch to take a deeper look into the issue. However, it does seem like a pretty small issue that isn’t coming from the majority, so it’s likely this idea will be overlooked.

cold war solo multiplayer idea

Regardless, we would love to see a Mercenary Moshpit enter Call of Duty’s multiplayer once more, as the mode was loved by so many and would allow solo players to have a better experience instead of pulling out of a lobby as soon as they see a party.

That’s all on the idea for a new solo multiplayer mode. For more on Black Ops Cold War, stay tuned on Charlie INTEL and check out our recent article on 12v12 remaining a permanent game mode.

Image Credits: Treyarch/Activision