Black Ops Cold War player uses bizarre Superman glitch to score a kill

Andrew Highton
cod cold war fireteam deploy

Everyone has dreamed of being Superman at some point, and one Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War player was able to do just this thanks to an insane glitch.

CoD: Cold War has had its fair share of weird and wonderful moments that defy the physics and mechanics of the game. From leaving players quite literally legless to turning the game into Lord of the Rings, Cold War has had a few oddities.

But if you thought those were slightly peculiar, then you need to feast your eyes on this crazy glitch that saw one CoD: Cold War player take flight. Not only that, but they even had the audacity to capitalize on this by pulling off an unbelievable no-scope in midair.

cod cold war fireteam

The moment of madness comes courtesy of Reddit user OhhZio who took advantage of the truly freakish bug they encountered during a game of Black Ops Cold War.

During a game of Fireteam: Dirty Bomb, the player parachuted down as normal to deploy into Alpine, and they flew straight into a ladder.

They didn’t cling to it and ascend or descend to reach a part of the building, they instead jumped off and headed off in a different direction – parachute still engaged.

The next sequence was remarkable as the player was able to fly directly into several trees, bounce off of them, and gain elevation in doing so. They seemingly had the power of flight and took full advantage by quickly equipping their Sniper Rifle and delivering a killing blow to an enemy through a house window – whilst no-scoping.

The top comment for the clip said, “In all my years of playing and watching Call of Duty, this is the best clip I have ever seen.”

We’d be hard-pressed to disagree as the footage is fantastic, but it does raise a question as to why players are suddenly able to transform into Superman without donning his cape.

Whether this is a one-off or a repeatable bug, it’s probably something Treyarch will need to look into to avoid having a Fireteam lobby resembling the DC Universe.

Image credits: Treyarch