Old Battlefield game cracks Steam top 10 with 15x Battlefield 2042’s player count

Andrew Highton
battlefield 2042 operators art

Battlefield 2042’s active player count is being completely dominated by an older game in the franchise, with the older title boasting 15x the player count of DICE’s latest shooter on Steam.

Despite updates and patches to improve the game and add more content, Battlefield 2042‘s woes are evident with the daily numbers for the game likely not being what EA and DICE had hoped for.

The early promise for the game came from its exciting trailers and the final product didn’t live up to expectations with many consumers demanding refunds.

As a result, the game’s player count has suffered, and it appears that an older Battlefield title is now taking most of the active Battlefield audience.

It would have been hard to imagine that Battlefield 2042 could be outshone by a 6-year-old entry in the franchise, but that’s precisely what is happening.

Capturing that vintage war shooter feel, Battlefield 1 was praised upon its release, and now it’s seeing its biggest resurgence in some time.

According to Battlefield Bulletin, Battlefield 1 has not only made its way into Steam’s current top 10 best-sellers chart, but it has ten times as many players as Battlefield 2042 does.

A recent stat comparison showed that Battlefield 1 had 51,845 concurrent players, Battlefield 5 had 13,340, and Battlefield 2042 had just 5,387. This meant BF1 had 10 times as many players as BF 2042.

Now, as of November 7, 2022, Battlefield 1 has 30,616 concurrent players and Battlefield 2042 has 2,163 – this means it’s increased to 15x as many gamers preferring BF1.

This is a remarkable achievement given that it’s not only usurping the most recent release but also completely bypassing Battlefield V – which was released in between the two games.

It’s likely that the release of 2022’s All Quiet on the Western Front has had an impact on sales with the film being based around World War 1 – the setting for Battlefield 1.

Despite the recent positive comments about the game from Shroud and Dr Disrespect, Battlefield 2042 feels like it’s losing a fighting battle, even though plenty of new content is on the way.

There may come a point where EA tries to do something drastic such as making the game free-to-play, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Image Credit: EA