More Battlefield 6 images reportedly leak, confirm ‘Battlefield’ name

Keshav Bhat

Additional screenshots of the Battlefield 6 trailer have been posted to a Discord server which reveals a watermarked look at the new game.

The new screenshots, which were posted to Tom Henderson’s Discord server, showcase additional moments from the game’s trailer. First images were leaked a few weeks back from this same trailer version.

The images do have an annoying watermark by the poster to avoid fully leaking information and getting caught.

Update 2: Even more images have leaked.

Update: Additional images have now leaked, as embedded from the Imgur here:

The first set of 5 images were leaked from the trailer, with two other showing the poster’s messages in Discord as well as Henderson’s confirmation that they are real.

The images also confirm the game’s title will be ‘Battlefield’ with no number attached. The screenshot of the game’s logo shows just BATTLEFIELD in blue color scheme.

EA’s executives have confirmed that the game will be revealed in June after the company initially said “soon” back in the end of April. When in June remains to be seen for now, but some rumors suggest June 1 reveal.

EA also has plans for their annual EA PLAY LIVE event for 2021, which will take place July 22, where more information on the title should be revealed.

Leaks continue to pour out about the 2021 Battlefield experience, and EA has so far refused to comment on them.

The executives also have stated that the title will take “full advantage of next-generation consoles and PC” but will still release on PS4 and Xbox One.