New Apex Legends Season 11 leak reveals possible new map

Apex Legends dataminers have found new information which hints at a possible new map for Season 11.
Apex Legends players have only just got Season 10, but dataminers are already uncovering new content set for the future seasons.
As well as some battle pass changes for Season 11, it seems we could also be getting a new map according to certain Apex Legends dataminers.

The last map Apex Legends players got was in Season 7 with Olympus, bringing the total of maps available to three. Season 10 also marked the first season that all three maps have been in rotation: Kings Canyon, World’s Edge, and Olympus.
Apex Legends are great at keeping the game fresh and exciting, with things looking to get even more so in Season 11. Dataminers GarretLeaks and Shrugtal have uncovered coding which refers to a brand new map codenamed “Tropical Island.”
One of the biggest leaks Garret has uncovered surrounding a Tropical Island map is the code for new textures on Olympus’ Trident vehicles.
The code showed new muddy textures for the usually clean Trident, suggesting the Legends will be somewhere rainy, which fits with the tropical island theme.
Further, in the latest video from Shrugtal, he refers to Tropical Island being seen in the files for over a year now. He also suggests that next season will mark the same time between World’s Edge and Olympus’ release. So, if the developers are following a pattern for map releases, it would make sense to see this Tropical Island map in Season 11.
The map will, of course, feature the Trident vehicles from Olympus, perhaps suggesting it may be a fairly large map, as it’s being designed with vehicle movement in mind. Further code also suggests we may see wildlife on the map, much like the Flyers in Kings Canyon and the Prowlers in World’s Edge.
This would be great, especially with the Tropical Island theme, as not only will the wildlife add depth to the atmosphere of the map, but they may also present gameplay and loot opportunities, as we’ve seen in the past.
That’s all we know so far about the new Tropical Island map entering Apex Legends in the future. For more, check out our article on how to check the ranked leaderboard.
Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment / GarretLeaks / Duyieer