EA responds to Apex Legends Code:Truck error

Hamza Khalid

Apex Legends fans reported a strange issue that was keeping them from being able to play the game after The Holo-Day Bash update went live. The Code:Truck Error was preventing players from logging in, but EA & Respawn have patched it up.

The long-awaited Holo-Day Bash update for Apex Legends is finally here. It’s brought along a plethora of new content, along with some neat cosmetics and skins. The highlight of the update is the new Winter Express LTM but that’s not all that drew players’ attention.

The update also brought a new error to the game that was affecting many players in the Apex community. The Code:Truck error would show up up when they tried to join the game and it kept them from logging in. Here’s everything you need to know about the error and how EA responded to it.

What is the Code:Truck error?

Apex players reported getting a pop up message when trying to log into the game.The exact error message that they got said players were “out of sync with the server [code:truck]” as you can see below:

According to the error message, either the players were out of sync or the game was. Unfortunately, the exact technical issue behind this remains unknown, but a large number of people reported seeing this after the Holo-Day Bash update arrived.

It might just be a server issue that needs quick patching up but it caught the attention of the developers.They immediately tried to get handle on the situation.

EA responds to Code:Truck error

Electronic Arts took note when complaints about the code:truck error started blowing up in the Apex community. In order to reassure players that they were working on it, they gave this response:

We can see from this tweet that EA support hasn’t confirmed the exact cause of the error but they’ve suggested a possible short-term fix. They suggested waiting 40 minutes after the error appeared before trying to run Apex Legends again.

How to fix the Code:Truck error

A few hours after that first tweet, EA support announced that the Code:Truck error has now been resolved entirely, and they thanked the players for waiting patiently.

This came as a huge relief to the Apex community as now they can finally get back to enjoying the Holo-Day Bash update. We don’t know for sure if this fix has been successful for everyone so if you still encounter the Code:Truck error when trying to log in then you can try some other solutions.

Before this latest announcement came, many players on Reddit recommended a few different methods for fixing the error. One suggested changing the date and time on your console and this worked for a few people.

Other reported fixes were to verify the game files with Steam, or to try closing Apex Legends before running it again. These had varying levels of success for different players and many fans were worried that the error could cause irreversible harm to their game.

So far the fix seems to have worked perfectly and hopefully that is the end of this inconvenience. At this time we still don’t know what exactly lead to this error happening in the first place, or if the problem still persists for some fans, but we’ll keep you updated as we learn more.