Crazy Apex Legends melee glitch is back

Hamza Khalid
Melee Strike Apex Legends glitch

The Apex Legends melee glitch has made its return to the battle royale, and it’s letting players dish out an extremely high amount of damage with just a few hits.  

There have been plenty of glitches and exploits that have plagued Apex Legends since it first launched back in 2019. Players have been dropped under the map, Legends have swapped models, and there have been multiple melee exploits.

These exploits let you string together melee strikes so that you can dish out close to 100 damage with just a few hits. This can be absolutely devastating to players who don’t have a shield, so Respawn issued a fix for it.

However, it seems that the notorious melee strikes exploit has made its return in Apex Legends Season 8.

Apex Legends roster

This exploit was first discovered just a few months after the game launched back in 2019 as Apex Legends players began dealing bonus damage by canceling their Ultimate abilities mid-melee attack.

While the developers had applied a fix for this issue back in Season 5, it seems that the exploit has returned to plague the battle royale’s matches again. Reddit user Xyno_Slane fell victim to it during a match and posted the clip in the Apex Legends subreddit.

Their opponent was playing as Horizon and was able to use the exploit to dish out a ton of damage to the Redditor, who then went down in just a few strikes. Since their shields were depleted, they didn’t stand a chance against this move.

A few other Redditors commented in the thread about their own experiences with this melee exploit. It seems that quite a few players have been abusing this glitch while playing as Horizon, and ruining the game for others.

While it’s not clear exactly why this exploit has returned, one possible explanation is that since Horizon was added after the fix in Season 5, Respawn might have accidentally programmed her in a way that lets her abuse it.

Regardless of the cause, this bug is causing major problems for Apex players, so we hope that the devs will patch it up soon.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment