Bizarre Apex Legends glitch turns Caustic into a helicopter

Andrew Highton
caustic helicopter in apex legends

One game of Apex Legends culminated in a bizarre series of events that caused someone’s Caustic to glitch and become a human helicopter.

Apex Legends has generally been a solid game in terms of technical performance with few big glitches to speak of. The battle royale game has managed to retain its large player base by adding new maps, weapons, and characters with every passing season.

However, one of its unlockable stalwarts encountered a rather peculiar bug that occurred towards the crucial final moments of a game.

caustic in apex legends

Apex Legends Caustic helicopter glitch

Caustic excels in pacifying enemies using more defense-minded attacks and equipment. His gas and grenades make him slower and more reserved in comparison to Horizon for example.

Reddit user Anyzarus was more than happy to get in up close, nitty gritty gunfights in a clip he posted on the Apex Legends subreddit. In it, the player can be seen performing a finisher on one of the last remaining opponents in their match, as the edged closer and closer to the all-important victory.

In a strange twist though, it appears as though the kill wasn’t confirmed. Although it’s very difficult to tell because after what appears to be the end of the animation, Caustic becomes a literal cyclone. It seems that the enemy is the only one left, yet the game is noticeably carrying on as you can see the Safe Zone creeping in until it engulfs them.

But the game ends shortly after with our player, and teammate, being declared the winners. We can only presume that the storm registered with the downed player and killed them almost instantly.

The footage gets funnier still as we also get to see the helicopter impersonation from his teammate’s perspective. Caustic is spinning around endlessly in circles whilst the victim seems to be lodged in a particularly uncomfortable place.

The amusing glitch thankfully didn’t impede the team too much and they rightfully claimed their win.

We can’t really say what caused it and we haven’t heard about this bug happening anywhere else. As usual, if this is something that is repeated in the future, then further action may be taken by Respawn.

Image credits: Respawn Entertainment