Apex Legends players want the Battle Pass system from Halo: Infinite

Hamza Khalid
Apex fans want Halo Infinite batte pass

The highly anticipated Halo: Infinite will come with a unique new Battle Pass system that’s proving popular with FPS fans, and Apex Legends players are asking Respawn for something similar.

There was a lot to unpack in Halo: Infinite’s multiplayer reveal which gave us a close look at a variety of different features. This included the brand-new Battle Pass system that comes with a unique feature.

Rather than giving you a limited amount of time to unlock various cosmetics, 343 Industries have made it so that a Battle Pass will never expire even when new ones come out, and you can pick which Pass to progress through.

Now, Apex Legends fans are asking for Respawn to try something similar.

halo infinite spartans

Reddit user Raxus001 took to the Apex Legends subreddit to ask Respawn Entertainment to take influence from Halo: Infinite’s new Battle Pass system.

Whenever a new season of Apex Legends arrives, you’re presented with a brand-new Battle Pass to progress through. However, this means that you can no longer complete the one from the previous season.

“It would be a brilliant idea to have a menu tab in the lobby that allows us to look back on all the battle passes in Apex and purchase any that we missed,” wrote the Redditor.

Adopting this Battle Pass system would grant you the chance to get any cosmetic rewards that you may have previously missed out on.

Many players pointed out that this would profitable for both the fans and developers since Respawn would still get the money used to purchase new and old Battle Passes.

So far, the developers haven’t addressed this suggestion, and we don’t know if they’ll adopt a similar Battle Pass system to Halo: Infinite after the Legacy Update ends. We’ll keep checking for any new developments regarding this.

Image credits: 343 Industries / Respawn Entertainment