Apex Legends player designs crazy new movement Legend

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends mokeysniper legend

Apex Legends movement expert Mokeysniper has a working prototype of a Legend that they designed, showing gameplay of how the abilities would work.

Respawn Entertainment introduces a new Legend into Apex Legends every season, with the latest being Newcastle for Season 13.

The game now has 21 Legends, who have all been creatively designed with individual and unique abilities and personalities. Apex Legends offers a wide range of playstyles through these Legends, signaled through the Legend Classes.

Having said that, Mokeysniper decided to design his own movement-based Legend, showing off gameplay of what it would look like thanks to the help of an independent game developer.

mokeysniper fuchs apex legends character concept

Mokeysniper is an Apex Legends content creator that is known for their knowledge and content around movement techniques in Respawn’s battle royale.

A while ago, Mokeysniper participated in a challenge that saw Apex community members designing their own Legend concepts and presenting them to a dev.

Mokeysniper designed a Legend called Fuchs, which means Fox in German, and even came up with some convincing lore to connect them to the Apex Legends/Titanfal universe. Thanks to an independent game developer by the name of Zodi, a “working prototype” was made for the Legend.

The Legend’s design is simply a Titanfall Pilot without their helmet with a colored jumpsuit on. Fuchs’s kit is based around movement, and as you can see from the video, their main ability is a “Dash.”

This Dash ability allows Fuchs to quickly escape situations, get back into cover, or take some high ground. The Ultimate, Dash-Core, is an extended version of the Dash which leaves behind a “Phase Tunnel,” allowing teammates to travel with Fuchs.

Of course, this Legend will never make it to the game, as it is just an independent project that has no association with the devs. Having said that, it’s pretty cool to see a member of the community have a working prototype for a Legend that they designed.

For more on Apex Legends, check out the leaked Legend Vantage, who could be introduced for Season 14.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment / Mokeysniper