Apex Legends game files leak upcoming Legend’s name

Hamza Khalid
Apex legends mystery character in Olympus

As players explored the changes in Apex Legends Season 13, Respawn Entertainment may have accidentally leaked the potential name of a future character. 

The Apex Legends Season 13 update, titled, Saviors, has finally arrived, bringing a plethora of changes such as weapon buffs and nerfs as well as a brand-new Battle Pass to progress through.

The new season has also added the brand-new character Newcastle to the Apex Legends roster, and some new leaks may have revealed another Legend who will be arriving in the future.

apex legends season 13

After the Apex Legends Season 13 update went live on May 10, Respawn Entertainment added various game files for Charms that will be released in the future. One of them caught the attention of a few data miners.

Notable Apex Legends leaker Shrugtal claimed that Respawn added a Charm for a Legend called ‘Vantage.’ This name was previously mentioned in a major leak back in March, and now it has been mentioned again in the May 10 game files.

This character has not been added to the battle royale’s roster, so players are now speculating about this leak. The Apex Legends community is wondering when this Legend will arrive and what their abilities will be.

Another data miner with the name ‘SomeoneWhoLeaks’ revealed another discovery from the May 10 Apex Legends game files. This new leak showcases brand-new Holosprays for the Legend Vantage.

This has led players to believe that Vantage is a brand-new character that Respawn Entertainment are planning to introduce in Apex Legends during a future update, possibly in Season 14.

While this seems exciting, it’s worth keeping in mind that this is all speculation based on leaks, and Respawn Entertainment have yet to officially confirm the addition of a new Legend named Vantage.

So, be sure to take this information with a grain of salt until we get an official announcement from the developers. That said, it wouldn’t be too surprising to learn that Respawn already have plans for a new character.

For more Apex Legends content, take a look at all of the Ranked changes in Season 13 as well as the major Apex Legends helmet buffs in Season 13.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment