Apex Legends devs tease Evo Shield balance changes

Hamza Khalid
Apex Legends evo shields

Evo Shields play a huge role in protecting you during an Apex Legends match, and one of the developers has hinted at some upcoming changes for them in a future update.

When you hop into a match of Apex Legends, your first priority will be getting your hands on some useful gear and weapons to improve your odds of winning. To survive, you should get yourself some Evo Shields.

This is a piece of armor that’s upgraded based on how much damage you dish out. After the Legacy update brought Starter Kits to the battle royale, one developer has hinted at further Evo Shield balance changes in the future, which has sparked plenty of interest in the community for the battle royale game over what these possible changes should be.

Apex Legends Evo Shield

Respawn Entertainment tends to check with fans for feedback on any existing or announced changes. Now, one balance dev has asked the community if they feel Evo Shields need balance changes.

JayBiebs is Associate Live Balance Designer for Apex Legends. He brought up various potential issues, like too many red shields being available at endgame and whether or not Evo Shields feel balanced in Ranked play.

Alliance pro player John ‘Hakis’ Hakansson responded by stating that armor isn’t currently needed for any balancing changes, but Respawn should definitely focus on fixing backpacks.

Most users that responded to the developer’s tweet agreed that Evo Shields are currently well-balanced, but Respawn has hinted that some changes may still be arriving in a future update.

It remains to be seen if the developers will listen to the players’ feedback or will still go ahead with making balance changes to the armor.

We’ll keep checking for any further developments regarding this, so stay tuned to Charlie INTEL, and check out our recent article on how to check the current server status in Apex Legends or how to get the Apex Legends Twitch drops for the ALGS Championship in 2021.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment