Apex Legends dev responds to glitched Firing Range Easter Egg

Andrew Highton
apex legends firing range

For the longest time, Apex Legends players have been able to see their character in third-person, thanks to a crafty Easter Egg. However, a new Firing Range glitch seems to kill players, preventing them from doing so, and a Respawn dev has responded.

In a game like Apex Legends where there is a sea of cosmetics, it’s sometimes cool for players to see their unlocked stuff. This has been possible thanks to a long-time Firing Range Easter Egg that allows players to switch to the third person.

However, a recent glitch seems to have put a stop to that, with Apex Legends players complaining that the Easter Egg is now glitched.

As a result, “RobotHavGunz,” a Respawn Technical Game Designer has responded to players that still want to be able to carry out the Apex Legends Firing Range Easter Egg.

different apex legends cosmetics

Previously, the Firing Range had a secret area that players could get to, and if successful, they could switch to third-person mode by changing their character’s outfit in a bush.

Now, trying to replicate this method only ends in death for the player, leaving them unable to switch their perspective and view their cosmetics.

A Reddit user posed the question as to why this was happening: “Is the firing range dying thing also a bug? I’ve heard it’s intentional, but the 3rd person easter egg can’t be done anymore. It was my favorite way to appreciate skins and animations.”

Then, RobotHavGunz, stepped in to provide some clarity on the situation: “All I will say is that the reason we had to start despawning you in the firing range was absolutely not related to issues with 3P. It had to do with issues around changing characters while still alive and, in some cases, bad things happening as a result.

“The fact that it broke the 3P easter egg was absolutely not intentional. Even if – hypothetically – the 3P easter egg were fixed, you’d still die when changing characters.”

byu/Nuxvub from discussion

They also said that “you might want to wait a bit (possibly until S11 launch) before testing to see if anything has changed.” So this might just be a temporary problem that Respawn is working on until Season 11 comes around.

Either way, if there are any more developments on the Firing Range Easter Egg then we’ll keep you updated.

Also, check out how to make Apex Legends’ R-301 Carbine in Warzone.

Image Credit: Respawn Entertainment