How to get Statue of Power in Palworld

Aryan Singh
Statue of Power in Palworld

The Statue of Power in Palworld is a structure that can tilt RNG on your side by improving your capture rate. If you’re wondering how to build it, here’s how to get a Statue of Power in Palworld, including how to use it.

Besides featuring many unique Pals to capture, Palworld also offers a variety of different structures that players can build. These range from resource production farms to workbenches, and more. One structure that can prove useful for players is the Statue of Power.

These statues can boost the stats of your Pals and even increase the chances of success while attempting to capture new ones. With this in mind, here’s how to get a Statue of Power in Palworld, and how to use it.

Palworld: How to get a Statue of Power

Technology menu in Palworld
Statue of Power can be unlocked using Technology Points.

To get a Statue of Power in Palworld, you’ll first have to unlock it at level 6 using one Technology Point. After this, you’ll need the following resources to build it:

  • 20x Stone
  • 10x Paldium Fragments

Alternatively, you can also use the pre-built Statue of Power located near the Desolate Church fast travel point.

If you’re looking to build one for your base, finding Stone should be pretty easy as you can gather a ton of the material by picking it up from the ground. Paldium Fragments are trickier to acquire, and the best way to get them is by building and using a Crusher or mining Paldium boulders.

Palworld: How to use Statue of Power

The Statue of Power in Palworld can be used in two different ways. The first function is to increase your capture rate using a Lifmunk Effigy, and the other is to boost your Pals’ stats using Pal Souls. Increasing the capture rate makes it easier to capture high-level Pals, while boosting Pal stats increases them by three percent.

Lifmunk Effigies and Pal Souls are both rare items in the game as you can happen on them randomly. So, it’s best to use them wisely.

That was everything about the Statue of Power in Palworld. For more on the game, check out our other guides:

Where to find Jetragon in Palworld: Location & how to catch | How to get Pure Quartz in Palworld | Every Fusion Pal in Palworld: All breeding combinations | Where to find Lunaris in Palworld | How to get High Quality Pal Oil in Palworld | Is Palworld crossplay?

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About The Author

Aryan is a Games Writer at CharlieIntel who specializes in sports and racing games, including EA Sports FC, NBA 2K, and Forza. He's also a big fan of massive RPGs such as Starfield, Elden Ring, and Cyberpunk. Aryan has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and previously wrote for sports websites Pride of London, Sportsmanor, LWOF, and Thick Accent. You can contact him at [email protected].