This Week in Modern Warfare – New Weapon, New Updates, And More

Keshav Bhat

Activision Blog has shared a look at what’s coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare this week. (Update: the Activision blog post has since been removed.)

Infinity Ward confirmed in their community update on January 17 that a new patch update is expected for the game at some point this week, with patch notes for the update to come when the update goes live.

This week will see the addition of the Cross Bow to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Meet your new friend, the Crossbow. Arriving on January 22, this super-sleek one-hit kill weapon is available to earn and add to your Modern Warfare arsenal. Visit the Marksman Rifles tab in the Loadout menu to find the Crossbow. You’ll have to complete a marksman rifle related to challenge in order to earn this bad bolt of a weapon. Check out our Crossbow blog this week on the Games Blog for tips ‘n tricks to earning this weapon.

In addition Aniyah Palace returns to Ground War.

Aniyah Palace returns to Ground War. Play large-scale Multiplayer battles at this exquisite palace and landscape. Jump in to play this Ground War experience on January 22.  

This week also sees the launch of the Call of Duty League with the Launch Weekend Event in Minnesota.