Modern Warfare mid-game loadout edit feature returns after removal frustrates players

Modern Warfare players can no longer edit their loadouts mid-game, thanks to the feature being disabled in Warzone after it caused several bugs and exploits.
The Warzone Season 4 update gave battle royale players the option to edit their loadouts in the pre-game lobby. This was a highly requested feature, but Raven Software was forced to remove it after players could bring their loadouts into the start of the match, get infinite Dead Silence, and even exploit the game to get access to Weapon Blueprints and camos.
However, the solution has left Modern Warfare players frustrated as they can no longer edit their classes during multiplayer matches until this popular feature was added back on August 23.

Call of Duty’s new joint progression system has allowed 2019’s Modern Warfare to stay alive and active long after its content cycle ended. However, MW players have been frustrated that the game has become a ‘Cold War advertisement’ and want the game to become separate once Vanguard releases.
Raven Software were forced to disable the ability to edit loadouts in Warzone’s pre-game lobby, and matches of Plunder after players found an exploit that gave them free camos and Blueprints, even getting Dark matter on Modern Warfare weapons. However, this also affected Modern Warfare.
Posting to Reddit on July 22, BeneficialOstrich69 pointed out that they could no longer edit their loadout during matches of Modern Warfare following this change. This wasn’t a glitch on their end, as several other players reported the same issue.
Players were frustrated, saying they were taking the system, which has been in Call of Duty for years, for granted. “So people who play only multiplayer suffers cuz of warzone,” stated one player.
While the camo swap glitch was much more common in Warzone because of Cold War weapons being there, it could still be accomplished in Modern Warfare’s multiplayer.
Raven Software finally looks to have solved this issue, as August 23 saw the mid-game loadout edit feature make a return to Modern Warfare Multiplayer in addition to Warzone.
This means players have finally gotten their wish of having the feature be added back in after frustrating regarding its removal affected plenty of players.
For more Modern Warfare, check out how Call of Duty: Vanguard will be running on the revolutionary game engine created for Modern Warfare, and stay tuned for future news and guides.
Image Credit: Activision