In-Game Store now live in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Keshav Bhat

With the launch of the Season 1 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the new in-game Item Shop is now live in game for fans to checkout and buy cosmetic items using Call of Duty Points.

With this year’s in-game shop, all of the items are available as bundles giving players a variety of content for a set amount of Call of Duty Points.

The in-game Shop features new Operator skins, watches, calling cards, emblems, and more in different curated bundles for fans to purchase. The price ranges from 500CP up to 2400CP with bundles so far, but that is subject to change.

Here’s a look at the bundles available in the Shop now:

The Huntsman:


Fire Claw:

In addition to the Battle Pass, players can also use Call of Duty Points to obtain bundles of items in the store that will be updated weekly and contain multiple cosmetic items, ranging from weapon blueprints, a new Operator, operator skins, as well as various vanity accessories. 

Per Activision, the in-game Store will be updated weekly with new cosmetic bundles and more to pick from. All items can be purchased with Call of Duty Points.